Not given up just yet!

Despite the long hiatus, I am determined to continue with this project. I have just added two more new pages. One is all about Syntagma Square, and the other is a view down Mitropoleos Street. Enjoy!

~1935 - Syntagma Square - 2012

~1935 – Syntagma Square – 2012

1930 - Mitropoleos St. - 2012

1930 – Mitropoleos St. – 2012

A 80 year long historical journey around Athens

Welcome to my “Athens then and now” project.

George Parapantakis

George & Nafsika Parapantakis

I never met my paternal grandfather, he died in 1958, but I inherited from him a legacy of old photographs. Mostly stereoscopic (3D) glass plates.  Amongst those pictures are several characteristic sights of Athens, as it was in the ’30s.

In this project, I am trying to pay tribute to that legacy, by publishing side-by-side pictures of Athens as it was then and as I know it today. This is a long project, so I decided to use a blog format, to slowly build up the volume of work.

Please subscribe to this blog, if you wish to receive updates when I publish new materials.